
Makerspace Purpose In-person meeting Live chat / message board Related Conference Notes
Ctrl-H / PDX Hackerspace PDX Hackerspace is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization promoting and encouraging technical, scientific and artistic skills through individual projects, social collaboration and education. We are located at 7608 N Interstate Avenue in Portland, Oregon and serve as a local community hub as well as a thriving online community with roots extending around the world.       More technically advanced for affiliated enthusiasts / individuals (Dorkbot, etc)
Hedron Hackspace We’re an inclusive bunch of makers, hackers and artists, sharing space and equipment. h.h exists to foster community and creativity, with the accessibility of some modern tools such as 3D printers, laser cutters, welders, etc.. We’re a do-ocracy where members and volunteers are encouraged to put forth their energy where they see fit. Join our discord, or come by during business hours for a tour!   Discord link on website   More do-ocracy focused, based in SE Portland.
ADX ADX is where artists, designers, makers, builders, thinkers, and innovators come together to create, connect, and collaborate. We call this creative Xchange, and it is fundamental to everything we do.
      More professionally-focused
Past Lives Past Lives is a 26,000 sq. ft. makerspace providing members 24/7/365 secure access to a wood shop, metal shop with blacksmithing, welding fabrication, and metal casting; textiles studio with screen printing, auto-embroidery and leather working; stained glass studio, Tech hub with CNC and 3D printing; dark room for film and photography, and more! 
      More professionally-focused
IdeaWorks Flexible artist space       More art-focused
Makerspace Sellwood Makerspace Sellwood is a space for everyone to, learn, shop, commune, and share in the Sellwood neighborhood of Portland, Oregon.        
NedSpace Coworking Coworking space        
Workshop St. Johns Startup-centric shared coworking and leased space center        
Power & Energy Center WIP Pick and Place machine, laser cutter, 3D printers.     Located in SE Portland and owned by a local company who want to support local makers. Just starting up/figuring how to share
Rockwood Makerspace (Library)          
CETI (Portland State)          
Cascade Create Space (PCC) The Cascade Create Space is a STEAM Center focused on creating community and encouraging learning and creativity. Community members welcome (no need to be a student at PCC.) Laser cutter, 3d printers, soldering stations, vinyl cutter, heat press