
Store / Shop / Project Purpose Hours / Quirks Notes
URS Electronics Electronics parts and related supplies. Some Raspberry Pi / Arduino resources too.    
Surplus Gizmos Basically the last local business hours surplus shop with electronics components and lots of variety. Closed Sundays  
Tektronix Company Store Very limited hours but wonderful test and measurement pieces and even exotic things like scanning electron microscopes. Some office supplies, some PC peripherals/parts. Public Hours: FIRST AND THIRD THURSDAY EACH MONTH, 14:00 - 16:00
Get ready to get in line.
NORVAC (Salem) Former Beaverton location was fully stocked like URS Electronics, but Salem location may have limited stock.    
https://www.pdx.edu/surplus/ PSU Surplus Property’s mission is to recycle/dispose or transfer excess or surplus property back to PSU departments, state and local governments and qualified non-profits throughout the State of Oregon. Frequent technology items for sale. Appointments to see the equipment and purchase easily and quickly given.  
Green Century E-Waste Thrift Store Computers & Hifi & various electrical/electronic e-waste sundries    
https://www.sbcgadgets.com/ (E-Waste sales in Beaverton) Computers & Hifi & various electrical/electronic e-waste sundries    
https://www.ebay.com/str/freegeekportland Charity refurbished technology sales helping their community training efforts. Will-call hours eliminate shipping fees. Generally nice but they shuttered the shop. Sometimes they have weekend parking lot sales.  
Platt Electric Supply (Inner East Portland shop) Electrical distributor with retail sales, several local offices. Can buy bulk cabling and tools related to both high voltage power and low-voltage comms. Not sure about fiber stocks but likely.    
Control Voltage (Analog Synth Shop) Eurorack and other analog synthesizer retailer. Very cool but note the musical angle!    
Arcadeshopper.com (Carlton, OR) Arcade games (large and small) - I also pick up and rehome classic technology (consoles, personal computers, cool things with plugs) so if you have something gathering dust let me know. Especially TI-99/4a, Atari, Amiga, Apple and Trs-80 computers.

This is his side-business - times vary.  
Ham Radio Outlet (Portland/Tigard) Lots of two way radios, antennas, cabling, but also electronics parts and tools for sale too. People drive from Seattle to come to this store.    
Scrap PDX SCRAP is a donation-based creative reuse store and donation center in Portland,OR. Along with the ever-changing and diverse store items, SCRAP also provides a range of educational opportunities within the community. Our mission is to inspire creative reuse and environmentally sustainable behavior by providing educational programs and affordable materials to the community.    