
Group Purpose In-person meeting Live chat / message board Related Conference Notes
Dorkbot PDX DorkbotPDX is a relaxed, informal show-and-tell for electronic artists, circuit designers, microcontroller programmers, retro computing enthusiasts, video game designers, digital archaeologists, and mod synth gearheads in Portland, Oregon.
Dorkbot generally happens the second Monday of each month. Check back though, sometimes we like to be tricky (Or holidays get in the way). Discord link and mailing list info on website    
PARTS Portland Robotics group is a lively forum for public interchange on robotics; anyone is welcome to join the group. Meets regularly at Ctrl-H - see website for details     https://portlandrobotics.org/links_robots.php?link_id=19 has lots of good other links
https://pigsquad.com Portland Indie Game Squad are a nonprofit organization supporting game development and indie game enthusiasts in Portland, OR. We organize game related events, networking opportunities, resources, and more! Many events - see website for details   Portland Retro Gaming Expo (PRGE)  
PLUG (Portland Linux / Unix Group) Portland Linux/Unix Group (PLUG) is a group of enthusiasts dedicated to teaching and learning about Linux, Unix and related freedom-producing technologies. meets monthly, first thursday, 7pm, in the basement of the PSU engineering building. mailing list, linked from website (pdxlinux.org), irc #pdxlinux on geekshed. FOSSY (?)  
https://www.meetup.com/pdx-php/ meets each month to sharpen skills, network with other PHP developers in the area, learn new ideas & technologies, laugh, and drink beer        
OTVARC Local westside amateur radio club running meetings, coordinating SEA-PAC conference, and doing examinations. Monthly meetings are generally held on the third Thursday of every month in the Cedar Hills Baptist Church. The address is 2470 SW Roxbury Ave, Portland, OR 97225. The typical start time is 7 PM. Everyone is welcome to come to our meetings to learn more about amateur radio. https://www.facebook.com/groups/OTVARC Sea-Pac in Seaside  
https://qrpdx.org low power ∙ portable ∙ homebrew: an informal amateur radio community based in Portland, Oregon and focused on low power transmission in all its forms        
Personal Telco Project Personal Telco Project operates numerous open-access free-to-the-end-user networks around the city, thanks to the generosity of our hosts. Every Wednesday, locations vary - see link for latest updates      
https://pdxruby.org pdx.rb is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails.        
PDXPUG Postgres Database Users        
CymaSpace We Make Arts, Cultural & Media Events Accessible & Inclusive To The Deaf & Hard of Hearing Through Technology, Education & Outreach On the events page.      
PDX 2600 The PDX branch of the 2600 community (See 2600.com if unfamiliar with the hacker quarterly) First Fridays, 7pm
Sizzle Pie on E Burnside
624 E Burnside Ave
RainSec RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. yes, see the meetup page      
Rose City Techies “We’re an inclusive community of techies dedicated to building, creating, and exploring the future of technology together.” - probably professional networking oriented yes, see the meetup page      
Portland Code and Coffee “A Portland coding meetup for any dev-curious, aspiring, or professional developer to work/hack on your project. Or learn to code in an afternoon with coffee and cool-inclusive people. All skill levels are welcome. Bring your laptop! Details on individual event pages.” yes, see the meetup page. Typically meeting every two weeks discord    
AI Portland hype-driven but maybe cool. yes, see the meetup page      
Papers We Love: PDX “This is the Portland, OR chapter of Papers We Love, an organization that curates interesting papers in the computer science literature and helps organize local chapters to read and discuss them.” yes, see the meetup page      
Hardware Happy Hour Monthly show-and-tell for hardware projects. Put on by Crowd Supply yes, see the meetup page      
Digital Dabblers predominantly digital art folks, doing regular meetups. yes, many discord - not sure if public anymore.    
Portland Design Thinkers PDT is a community of creative problem solvers advancing human-centered design literacy through high-quality events, lively conversation, and practice-based development.We’re made up of all kinds of people: practitioners who use human-centered design methods and mindsets every day, yes, frequently, see MeetUp page Positive and collaborative group, came recommended